But wait… there’s more. Always more.
How can anyone forget the first Television Advertorial that hit our TV Screens on morning television?
It goes something like this…
Host: “Today, I’ve got Liza here to tell you a little bit about the latest product to hit the market. The Magic Ab Cruncher.” Hi Liza, welcome.”
“Hi, Rozz. I’m here today to introduce your viewers to the most exciting, super-advanced- at-home piece of gym equipment, which is used by 100’s of celebrities all around the world- and it’s exclusive to your viewers only. It’s become the only ‘at home’ piece of gym equipment you’ll ever need to get your body into the best shape of your life, and it’s used by millions of women and men from all around the world.
Let me tell you Rozz, our customers have gone crazy in love for “The Magic AB Cruncher,” you’ll have your tummy looking like “Ryan Gosling” in STUPID CRAZY LOVE (insert --- hot flush happening right about now) within 6 weeks. Yes. Six. Weeks. Only, and if you buy the “Magic Ab Cruncher” within the next 30 minutes we will throw in a 12 pack of steak knives for FREE yes for FREE, valued at $99. So, pick up the phone and call now. 1800….”
You know the ones, right!? That’s an Advertorial and I have a little secret to tell you!
I was one of those presenters and host of TelevisionAdvertorials for many many years.
I was a regular presenter on The Television Shopping Network where I sold not only an array of products we sold a massive range of beauty products.
Not big-noting myself here, well kinda, I was the on-air presenter for the most famous shop of all. Harrods of London, I’m telling you this because I‘ve tried and tested so many beauty products over the years that I reckon I’ve got a pretty good handle on what is “good” and what’s not so good.
And during my days selling beauty products on Television, I used my knowledge to open Tres Chic Shave Kit | TCSK out of pure frustration with the lack of eco-friendly shaving options for my daughter when she started on her shaving journey.
“When my daughter came to me asking for shaving options, we went into a well-known shop that offered a large range of shavers hoping I’d have a huge variety of options to show my daughter.
After scanning the shop floor we realised there was nothing. When I asked where the ladies’ shavers were, even the poor gentlemen serving us seemed shocked. He had two options. That was it! I thought to myself, why do men have a whole shop worth of options, yet women don’t?’
No way did I want to start my daughter on disposable plastic razors, and the thought of waxing (ouch) wasn’t an option for her plus the added cost, so we had a chat about what she (and girls like her) wanted and needed, what would benefit the environment and be accessible for all (any gender, any age), Très Chic Shave Kit was born.”
TCSK’S Safety Razors are Unique in style & colour, 100% plastic-free, and are of the highest quality that gives outstanding smooth results. We also work with Soap makers from Rural Queensland to provide beautiful cruelty-free, vegan shave soap formulas that are low waste, last for months and work in tandem with our razors.
Call NOW! 1800.....
Just kidding.
Liza xxx